Wednesday, October 31, 2007

An outing with the kids

My second day in Kathmandu, Elder and Sister Taysom introduced me to Cody, Dustin, and Morgan. They're three great guys, all members of the church, who came to Nepal to do a trek through the Himalayas and also to do some volunteer work. Everyday they go to a home for children whose parents are in jail. They teach them, but mostly play with them and just make the kids happy! I was able to go help out with the kids for three days. One of those days we took the kids on an outing up in the mountains. We climbed through some beautiful forests, past waterfalls up to a picnic site near the first water generated power plant in Nepal. We had so much fun playing around in the water with the kids, and chasing the monkeys away as they tried to steal our lunch. So much fun!


Sweet Em said...

I am completely enjoying this new tradition of knowing what you are up to. I always had a sneaky suspicion it was something grand!! I really look forward to further updates.

Oh, and in a shallow note, unbecoming of your poetic narrative - I LOVE your long hair!!

Unknown said...

I love reading your blog! I wish I was there with you! How long will you be in Nepal? Are you working with an organization? how did you set all of this up?

Love ya,

ps. I notice you are always sitting next to the same boy in the photos. Any sparks flying? hee hee

Unknown said...

Nepal sounds, and looks wonderful. Hope you are enjoying Thailand

Unknown said...

So, "garth" is really "CayLynne". I've been sitting here for 20 minutes trying every combination of user names and passwords I can think of to get logged in and I guess I succeeded with Garth's account. We do love you and hope you are well. I'm pretty sure Mom and Dad got the camera delivered. Do you have a return home date? (I mean a calendar date, although, if you have the other kind we would like to know that, too.)

Janell said...

It looks like you are having such an amazing time! All these pictures and stories are so amazing!! I don't blame you if you never want to come back... well, except we don't really have to worry about lizards falling in our food around these parts! haha

Maria said...

Cim-I also love your hair. Have you ever had it so long before? Cute cute cute.

I wish I was a fly on your backpack! I can't believe all the wonderful places you've been/are going! What a world traveler you are. Do you happen to have an address for Christmas time that we can send a card to? (You can e-mail it to me so it's not out in the blog-o-sphere, if you want!)

Happy Thanksgiving to you!